Saturday, 6 June 2020

How to stop racism and discrimination - Herman Munster's Wise Advice

At the moment there are race riots occurring across the world. The death of George Floyd in the US at the hands of a policeman has brought to the fore the history of racism and discrimination. In Australia our indigenous people are using this incident as an opportunity to bring to the fore the unnecessary deaths of their people in police custody. 

I wrote in my last blog how much I loved the Munsters and particularly Herman when I was growing up. No I wasn't a person of colour, but I was a person with a visible difference. I was born with a rare craniofacial syndrome, Crouzon syndrome. This made me stand out. This mutation in my genes, completely out of my control, meant many in society chose to not like me and let me and my family know. I experienced bullying, discrimination and prejudice. 

Over fifty years has passed since I was born and people are still not being treated equally. Today people still aren't allowed to have differences. We are all meant to fit in a couple of boxes and be content there. If we should be born with a visible difference, such as the colour of our skin or a disability, then our lot in life is to be treated as more unworthy and to suffer from judgements and discrimination.

I want to share with you this clip showing the wise words of  Herman Munster:

Do you love it as much as I do?

The lesson I want you to learn is it doesn't matter what you look like. 
You can be tall or short, or fat or thin, ugly or handsome like your father, 
or you can be black or yellow or white, it doesn't matter. 
What does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character. 

When you look at someone who you see as outwardly different, remember these wise words of Herman Munster. And if you are on the receiving end of bullying or racism or discrimination because you look different or act differently, then you too remember the wise words of Herman Munster. It's all about the size of your heart and the strength of your character. 

You must stay true to who you are. You must embrace your differences and rise above the haters. You were born the way you are for a purpose. Don't let the negative people in society stop you from achieving your greatness!

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How to look after your mental health - 12 Lessons from Herman Munster

When I was a child growing up with a craniofacial syndrome, it was incredibly hard. I was stared at, made fun of, pushed over and isolated. Home was my sanctuary where I was accepted and loved, and had those typical fights with my brothers. You could say it was 'normal'. A show that I loved was Munsters, and I have been watching reruns on TV and clips on YouTube to try to understand why. I was called Frankenstein and Herman was Frankenstein so why would I love the show so much when he looks the way he does? 

I quickly found the answers. Herman had heaps of great messages for me. He saw himself as the 'normal' one and the outsiders were the freaks. Marilyn was the one who didn't fit in, and she also saw herself as the 'freak' in the family. This whole flipped concept would have really helped me to cope with the nastiness of the world.

I found this YouTube video which is entitled 12 Life Lessons from Herman Munster and I love it so much that I wanted to share it here in my blog. Have a watch and tell me what you think.

I am going to list  Herman's 12 Life Lessons here:

12. Let your light shine - Bring a little happiness to others
11. Commune with nature - Go out in nature - it's good for you
10. Heroes are Zeroes - Lots of heroes are vain and good for nothings
9. Start that college 529  - Begin a savings bank account when your children are young
8. Catch more flies with honey - You'll get further with love and affection and understanding
7. Stay flea free  - Don't go with bad companions. He who lies down with dog, gets up with fleas
6. Serve and protect  - It's the duty of every citizen to protect the police
5. Respect the produce  - In the vegetable garden of life don't pinch the tomatoes
4. Target Marketing 101  - Don't start scratching until you know where the fleas are biting
3. Pay it forward  - Help people to succeed
2. Be kind - When we put kindness in we get kindness back - it's like putting money in the bank with interest
1. What matters most - It doesn't matter what you look like. What matters is the size of your heart and the strength of your character. 

Do you agree with me? The script writers were way ahead of their time. In the 1960s racism, hiding disabled children away in institutions, putting people who were considered too different in freak shows was rife. Basically if you weren't a neurotypical white middle class person you weren't a worthy citizen.

As a society we still have a long way to go as progress has been at a snail's pace. These life lessons are still relevant today and will improve our mental and make for a more inclusive society!

Please like, share and subscribe to me. I want everyone to Be Weirdly Wonderful! I date you to embrace your differences.

What is So Wrong with MP Tanya Plibersek Calling MP Peter Dutton Voldemort from Harry Potter?

 A few hours ago I saw on MSN the report that MP Tanya Plibersek had said on a radio interview that MP Peter Dutton looks like Voldemort fro...